Everything In Between

In this series we will follow the Narrative Lectionary which uses the Gospel of Luke to guide us through the Lenten season. We will journey through familiar stories like the Good Samaritan, Mary and Martha, the Lost Sheep, Zacchaeus, and more, considering how Jesus’ ministry was rooted in relationships that disrupted the established social, political, and religious divides of his time. Jesus intentionally highlighted the cultural and political polarities of his time to emphasize the radical, inclusive, and surprising love of God. And when we study these stories in their context, we see how they mirror many of the divides we still experience today.

This series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. We invite you to look beyond black and white binaries and easy answers. We encourage you to notice the dichotomies that define our lives, but also to imagine where God might be meeting us beyond the categories we create. This series is for all those who are living in a divided world but seeking more peace. It is for all those who are seeking a spiritual life that engages with complexity instead of avoiding it. And so, this Lent, we’re trusting that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues, and everywhere in between.

3.9.25 | Stranger & Neighbor

Luke 10:25-37

3.16.25 | Faith & Works

Luke 10:38-42

3.23.25 | Rest & Growth

Luke 13:6-9

Please note that on this Sunday in the Sanctuary
Patrick Evans, Richard Byrd, and the Choir will lead a Lenten Hymn Festival.

3.30.25 | Lost & Found

Luke 15:1-7

4.6.25 | Righteousness & Mercy

Luke 19:1-10

4.13.25 | Shouting & Silence

Luke 19:29-40

4.20.25 | Grief & Hope

Luke 24:1-12