Panama Lunch & Silent Auction

You are invited to the Panama Lunch and Silent Auction on Sunday, April 6. The Silent Auction will be open from 9:00am to 12:30pm in the Large Dining Room, followed by a delicious, authentic Panamanian lunch served after worship. The event will conclude with a live auction for several high-value items. All proceeds will directly benefit the team and our trip to Panama from June 28 – July 6, supporting the important work we will be doing during our time there.
To help cover the cost of the meal, we kindly request a donation of $15 per adult and $10 per child (with a $50 family cap for four or more). Click HERE to make a reservation.
We also need your help to make our auction a success. Please consider donating “must-have” items such as gift cards from your favorite coffee shops, restaurants, or jewelry stores; artwork; furniture; baked goods; plants; or even your time and services, such as babysitting or a photo shoot. Alabama and Auburn memorabilia is always a hit, too! All donated items can be brought to the office building for storage. Please let Jonathan Goss know if you plan to donate by emailing
Thank you for your support.