At First Church, we strive to be there for each other in good times and in hard times. The Congregational Care Team provides support to those in the hospital, to those who are homebound, and for those facing other types of difficulties. We also celebrate together over important events in the lives of our church family.
Hospital Visitation
Our pastors and staff regularly visit anyone in our community who is in the hospital and we have a staff person on-call during times the church is closed. If you or someone in your family is going into the hospital and would like a pastoral visit, please let one of our pastors know or call the church office.
If you are going into the hospital or have any other concern for which you would like a pastoral visit, please call the church office at (205) 254-3186 or email Jonathan Goss at
At Home Visitation and Communion
Our pastors and members of a Congregational Care Team regularly visit our homebound members. In addition, we have a team of people that deliver communion monthly.
Card Ministry Team
The card ministry team sends monthly cards as well as birthday and special holiday cards to all of our homebound members.
If you are interested in serving in some capacity with our Congregational Care Team, please contact Jonathan Goss at
Prayer Team
If you have a prayer requests or would like to be added to the prayer team please email Jonathan Goss at
An historic church in the heart of downtown Birmingham, First Church Birmingham is an open place for ALL to worship, grow, and serve. We are a diverse congregation made up of people from all over the Birmingham metro area and beyond.
You are welcome here!
First Church Birmingham
518 19th St North
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 254-3186