Journey With Us

We believe that we are constantly growing, learning, and changing and as such we value opportunities to continue to develop our faith in community.

At First Church we believe that we are all on a journey of growing in our discipleship and faith.

We have a number of different faith development opportunities to help you gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of Scripture and theology, discover ways to live out your faith in acts of justice and mercy, and to cultivate lives formed by prayer and spiritual disciplines.

First Church 101

First Church 101 takes place two to three times a year in the spring and fall. This session is geared toward our visitors, new members, and those considering membership but open to anyone who wants to learn more. First Church 101 will introduce you to the theology, polity, and Social Principles of the United Methodist Church as well as share more about the priorities and opportunities for engagement and membership at First Church.

Manna and Mercy

Manna and Mercy is the backbone of our church’s theology and the foundation for our six priorities: hospitality, inclusive community, diversity, doing justice, asking tough questions, and authenticity. This material which is often shared in a retreat format takes us on a Biblical journey from Genesis to Revelation, teaching us how to read the Bible in life-giving ways. We offer at least one opportunity to learn and engage with Manna and Mercy each year.

Church Wide Retreat

Each year during the month of February, we take a churchwide retreat to grow our faith and strengthen our community. This retreat is for everyone as there are activities for children and youth, free time for recreation, and a chance to deepen our understanding of Scripture and theology, foster spiritual practices of prayer and contemplation, and discern ways to live out our faith through acts of justice and service.

Small Groups

Small groups are an important part of building community and deepening our faith. On Wednesday nights in the fall and spring we offer small groups for adults that cover a wide range of topics ranging from a focus on Scripture and theology, justice and inclusion, faith and culture, and a variety of other topics. In addition to these short term small groups we also have a number of ongoing groups including Sunday School classes, Dinner Groups, and Life Groups.

If you have any questions about how you can get plugged in to any of our faith development opportunities, contact Katie Gilbert at