Creating a Safe and loving community

We are called to lovingly walk with each student throughout their journey and continually remind them that they are loved.

We know that the transition to Middle School or joining a new group can be scary. We are here to help guide your student as well as support your family.

First Church is a Safe Sanctuary Church

Because we believe that Jesus taught us to care especially for all children and youth, First Church, as part of the United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuaries program, is committed to the practice of safe supervision. Our Safe Sanctuary policy sets standards for the supervision of First Church children, youth, and vulnerable adults in our care. Thus, in covenant with all United Methodist congregations, we have adopted detailed policies for the prevention of neglect and abuse. As a Christian community of faith, we at First Church pledge to conduct the ministry of the gospel in ways that assure the safety and spiritual growth of all children, youth, and vulnerable adults and those who minister to them.


Our volunteer leaders are a huge part of our ministry. All adults who wish to lead within our Student Ministry willingly participate in our screening process which includes:

  • Meeting with staff leadership
  • Undergo a criminal background check
  • Annual Safe Sanctuary training
  • Additional training as needed and provided

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where do you meet?

We gather on Sunday mornings at 9:45am in the Youth Room for Sunday School. Our regular gatherings outside of Sunday mornings changes throughout the year due to a variety of factors. To learn more about our current schedule, please contact Ashley Hess at Ashley@firstchurchbhm.com

How can I serve?

There are several ways that you can serve our students! You can be a volunteer at our regular gatherings, help provide snacks or meals, teach Sunday School, help lead on a day or overnight trip, or nearly any other way you feel you can contribute. To learn more about how to get involved, you can reach out to Ashley Hess at Ashley@firstchurchbhm.com.  All leaders, including family members and caretakers must undergo our Safe Sanctuary screening process.

To learn more about our Student Ministry contact Ashley Hess at Ashley@firstchurchbhm.com