Living Generously
We are a generous congregation that is constantly seeking new ways to extend our generosity in the world.

At First Church we want to be known for being as generous as we are inclusive because we believe God is Love and Love is both generous and inclusive.

Each of us giving what we can helps all of us give more to our ministries and wider community. We also support giving beyond the local church and believe it is faithful to consider giving to others as a part of our generous contribution towards shaping the world into God’s Beloved Community. We hope you will join us in giving back as a part of your faith.
Scripture tells us God made us in our Creator’s image, meaning we are made to be generous and inclusive too. We don’t just give a set percentage instead we strive to grow our giving as we can because we believe all of life and all of our resources are gifts from God meant to be shared for the redemption and transformation of the world. We pledge what we can give each year to First Church because this is how we budget our yearly operating costs as a church family.