Justice and Mercy is an integral part of the life of First Church. Our Justice and Mercy Team helps to educate our congregation about different issues in our community as well as facilitate opportunities which move us toward finding solutions by working alongside our partner organizations. We believe we are called to both acts of justice and advocacy as well as works of mercy and that both are grounded in relationships with people on the margins.
As we seek to help make change in and around our community, we take a collaborative approach. Each of our community partners has both a staff and lay liaison to elevate the work of our partner ministries and to share that information more broadly with our community.
Click HERE to see a current list of our Justice and Mercy partner organizations as well as the liaisons for each ministry. We invite you to click through and learn more about our partners and ongoing opportunities to serve. If you would like to know more about a specific partner organization, we encourage you to reach out to the lay liaison.
If you would like to be added to our Justice and Mercy email list, please reach out to Katie Gilbert at Katie@firstchurchbhm.com.
An historic church in the heart of downtown Birmingham, First Church Birmingham is an open place for ALL to worship, grow, and serve. We are a diverse congregation made up of people from all over the Birmingham metro area and beyond.
You are welcome here!
First Church Birmingham
518 19th St North
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 254-3186